Members' Page
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Recent Full Service Recordings
excluding Joys and Concerns and Welcome of Guests and Visitors
Mouse over to see presenter
3/1/2020There's an Auction Here Today!
3/8/2020Stories in Stoneoos
6/14/2020Porchlight's Response to Pandemicoos
6/21/2020How PUU Members & Friends are Tending the Earth: With Reflections by Rachel Carsonoos
7/12/2020Have You Ever Said White Trash?oos
10/4/2020Wild Animal Rescueoos
12/13/2020Symbol Treeoos
12/20/2020Winter Watchesoos
1/3/2021Release 2020 - Celebrate 2021oos
2/14/2021Forgiveness for Individual, Family, and Community Well-Beingoos
3/7/2021Domestic Violence/Intimate Partner Violence 101oos
4/25/2021What is Your Legacy?oos
5/30/2021A Year into the Pandemic: Reflecting on Loss, Healing and Resilienceoos
6/13/2021Prairie Poetry Shareoos
6/20/2021Prairie Music Reunionoos
8/22/2021Hopes and Fearsoos
8/29/2021Lessons Yet to Learnoos
9/19/2021Healing Spacesoos
10/17/2021Evoking Spiritual Experience in Our Livesoos
10/24/2021UU, the UN, and Uoos
10/31/2021All Souls Dayoos
11/7/2021Service Autionoos
11/14/2021What Can YOU Do About Climate Change?oos
11/28/2021Now Is the Time for Courageous Changeoos
1/2/2022Wishes for the New Yearoos
1/23/2022Befriending Our Wounds: A Meditationoos
2/6/2022The Kids Scare You: And Other Uncomfortable Truths About Education in Americaoos
2/20/2022E Pluribus Unumoos
3/20/2022Beginner's Mindoos
3/27/2022Healthcare and Homelessnessoos
4/10/2022Meeting with MOSESoos
4/17/2022Readying to Riseoos
4/24/2022Earth Day - Walking The Talkoos
5/8/2022May Dayoos
5/29/2022Three Generations of Veteransoos
6/12/2022Does Prairie Need a Minister?oos
7/10/2022The War in Ukraine   (slides)oos
7/17/2022The Deal on Those Daysoos
7/31/2022The Dangers to Society of Social Mediaoos
8/7/2022Willma's Fund: Working to Address Homelessness and Housing Insecurity among LGBTQ+ people in Dane Countyoos
8/14/2022Counting Our Blessingsoos
8/21/2022Thomas Wentworth Higginson: Unitarian Minister and The Civil Waroos
8/28/2022The Discovered Whyoos
9/18/2022Destigmatizing Reproductive Justiceoos
9/25/2022Building Dedication  [service slides]  [foyer slides]oos
10/2/2022Animal Blessingoos
10/16/2022Widening Prairie's Circle of Concernoos
10/30/2022All Soul's Dayoos
11/6/2022Communal Salvationoos
11/13/2022Guest at Your Tableoos
11/27/2022The FUUture of our Faithoos
1/1/2023Wishes for the New Yearoos
1/8/2023Finding balance in the New Yearoos
1/15/2023A Small Town Risesoos
1/22/2023Roe v. What's Next?oos
1/29/2023Information and Misinformation Impacts on Youthoos
2/5/2023Lucy Stone: An American Originaloos
2/19/2023Listening to Marginalized Voicesoos
2/26/2023Tough Loveoos
3/5/2023Perfectly Imperfectoos
3/12/2023Heart Room: Opening Doors for All Familiesoos
3/26/2023Transforming Our Community: Let's start with meoos
4/2/2023Braver Angels on a mission to depolarize our nationoos
4/9/2023Miracles of Springoos
4/16/2023The Only Constant is Changeoos
5/14/2023Reclaiming the Feminine Divineoos
5/21/2023Will China Spark WWIII?oos
5/28/2023Moving Towards Peaceoos
6/11//2023Moving Towards Balanceoos
6.25//2023Trust Pregnant Peopleoos
7/2/2023Moving Onoos
7/9/2023Flower Ceremony 100th Anniversaryoos
7/16/2023 The Last Freie Gemeinde: The Free Congregation of Sauk Countyoos
7/30/2023Poetry Shareoos
8/6/2023What Happens When We Die?oos
8/27/2023The Heroine with 1001 Facesoos
9/17/2023Unitarian Universalism and the Belief in Godoos
10/8/2023Parliament of World's Religions: What, Who, When, Whyoos
10/15/2023"Emerson's Refulgent Religion" by Rev. Dr. Patrick T. O'Neilloos
11/12/2023On Gratitudeoos
12/3/2023Humanism: In Command or in Crisis?oos
12/17/2023Symbol Treeoos
1/7/2024Star Trekking Home: Welcoming Ourselvesoos
1/14/2024Answering the Call for Civil Rightsoos
1/21/2024Love One Another: King James Holy Bibleoos
1/28/2024Searching for a Bird and Finding the Interdependent Weboos
2/18/2024Porchlight's Response to Homelessness in Dane Countyoos
3/31/2024The Call of Easter: The Varied Ways UU's Find Meaning at Eastertideoos
4/7/2024Earth Day - Walking The Talkoos
4/14/2024If You Can't Stand the Heat - Suffrage in the Kitchenoos
4/21/2024Songs Celebrating Earth Dayoos
4/28/2024Brighter Skies and Better Daysoos
5/19/2024Spring Parish Meetingoos
6/2/2024Wisconsin Hmong 101oos
6/16/2024A Summer Solstice Celebrationoos
6/23/2024Resisting Tyrannyoos
7/7/2024Thomas Jefferson: His Religious Beliefsoos
7/14/2024Summer Readsoos
7/21/2024UUA General Assembly Debriefoos
8/11/2024Young Man's Odyssey Through Mexicooos
8/25/2024Christian Nationalism: What is it and how does it shape our religious and cultural landscape?oos
9/1/2024The Past, Present, and Future Labor Movementoos
9/15/2024The Great Commissionoos
9/22/2024What Can We Learn From Indigenous Farming?oos
10/6/2024Autumnal Lessons Through Poets' Eyesoos
10/13/2024Don't Light a Candle and Don't Curse the Darknessoos
10/20/2024My Journey to Gazaoos
10/27/2024All Souls Dayoos
11/3/2024Decolonizing Spiritualityoos
11/17/2024A House Divided - Whither Thou Goest?oos
11/24/2024Fall Parish Meetingoos
12/1/2024Citizens’ Climate Lobby’s Strategy for Legislative Successoos
12/15/2024A Winter Solstice Celebrationoos
12/29/2024Toast, Boast, and Oathoos
1/12/2025Still Climbing the Justice Mountain: Lessons Not yet Learned from MLKoos
1/26/2025Who We Are - Just Bakeryoos
2/2/2025The Raging Granniesoos
2/9/2025The Power of a Promiseoos

Recent Incomplete Service Recordings
with parts such as music, discussion, or children not included

Mouse over to see presenter
4/5/2020Disinformation, Voter Suppression and What You Can Do About Itoos
4/22/2020The Climate Action Movement Today: Is It Shooting Itself in the Foot or Reaching for the Moon?oos
4/26/2020Lessons in Inclusivity: What UUs Can Learn From Progressive Muslimsoos
5/3/2020Great Reads & Little Librariesoos
5/9/2020Prairie Animal Blessingoos
5/23/2020The Lost Art of Scripture: Karen Armstrongoos
5/30/2020Prairie Bridging Ceremonyoos
6/7/2020Ethics, CRISPR, and Human Genome Editingoos
6/28/2020Building Our Futureoos
7/5/2020Prairie UU Got Talentoos
7/19/2020NAMI Dane County: Our Organization During COVID-19oos
8/2/2020Prairie Religious Education: Gratitude for the Past, Hopes for the Futureoos
8/9/2020Not for the Weak of Heart - Virtual General Assembly2020oos
8/23/2020Helen Hamilton Gardener, Free Thinker and Suffragistoos
9/20/2020Voting During the Pandemicoos
9/27/2020Beyond Categorical Thinkingoos
10/3/2020Talent Show
10/11/2020Another Way: My Journey on the Moving Walkway of Racismoos
11/8/2020What Mattersoos
12/6/2020Addressing Bias in Healthcareoos
1/31/2021Listening Deeply: Befriending the Mind-Heartoos
2/28/2021The Social Regulation of Speechoos
4/11/2021Elizabeth Blackwelloos
5/2/2021Disability Discrimination During the Pandemic?oos
5/9/2021What Do You See?oos
5/23/2021Spring Parish Meetingoos
6/6/20212021 Bridging Ceremonyoos
8/15/2021Prairie Celebrates Prideoos
1/16/2022An Elephant in the Room?oos
5/15/2022Real Thoughts about Artificial Intelligenceoos
5/22/2022Parish Meeting Sundayoos
6/5/2022Bridging/Transitions Serviceoos
6/26/2022Summer Readsoos
7/3/2022Growing an International Village Through Community Gardeningoos
9/4/2022Why You Should Care About Workersoos
9/11/2022Ingathering/Water Communionoos
4/30/2023A Walk on the Wild Sideoos
5/28/2023Moving Towards Peaceoos
3/3/2024International Religious Connections and Organizationsoos
11/10/2024Active Hope: A Post-election Journeyoos
12/8/2024Embracing the Wealth of Our Religious Rootsoos
12/22/2024Symbol Treeoos
1/5/2025Elizabeth Cady Stanton: The Woman's Bibleoos
1/19/2025Martin Luther King, Jr., an Unwelcome Prophetoos

Sortable List of Full Service Recordings
(additional recordings added on request)
The cassette years and more

Memorial Service Recordings
DateService formin.Audio
2/14/1986Les Lyons87½mp3
10/3/1987Rebecca Clark38mp3
4/9/1989John Dorney61mp3
2/28/1998Michael Sheehy86½mp3
2/3/2007George Calden66½mp3
5/18/2008Rachel Siegfried92½mp3
4/11/2009Dick Bonser48½mp3
11/21/2015Galen Smith10mp3
9/2/2017Warren Hagstrom61½mp3
1/26/2019Jim Carpenter74½mp3
10/20/2019Mike Briggs91mp3
10/25/2019Ruth Calden83mp3
10/27/2019Rosemarie Lester36mp3

Memorial Service Printed Material
DateService foroos obit
2/14/1986Les Lyonsoos
4/4/1986Lois Hagstromoos
10/3/1987Rebecca Clarkoos
2/11/1989Fanny Holzmanoos
4/9/1989John Dorneyoos
5/6/1989Mary Louise Vogeloos
2/11/1990Dorothy Lee Wetherbyoos
4/17/1993Betsy Robertsoos
1/7/1996John Grindrodoos
3/12/1996Carol Doppoos
2/28/1998Michael Sheehyoosobit
4/8/1999Fuz Mullenoos
5/13/1999Odell Taliaferrooos
10/7/2001Shirley Grindrodoos
4/24/2004Tim Fastoos
3/11/2005Bob Lawrenceoos
2/3/2007George Caldenoosobit
3/3/2007Pat Cautleyoosobit
5/18/2008Rachel Siegfriedoos
6/14/2008Betty Jallingsoosobit
4/11/2009Dick Bonseroos
5/30/2010Mary Lou Diehloos
12/4/2011Dave Johnsonmem
4/30/2012Doleta Chapruoosobit
1/19/2013Fran Remeikaoos
5/3/2014Pat Watkinsoosobit
2/7/2015Mona Birongoos
6/5/2015Norma Briggsbklt
7/24/2015Bob Koehloos
9/17/2016Franklin Frenchoos
11/21/2015Galen Smithbklt
6/6/2016Orton Grayobit
10/29/2016Orie Loucksoos
9/2/2017Warren Hagstromoosobit
7/13/2018Shirley Lakeoosobit
1/26/2019Jim Carpenterbklt
10/20/2019Mike Briggsobit
10/25/2019Ruth Caldenobit
10/27/2019Rosemarie Lesterobit
10/10/2021John Frantzobit
11/25/2022Donna Murdochoosobit
1/28/2023Judy Skogobit
2/4/2023Rose Smithoosobit
2/25/2023Evelyn Kainobit
10/28/2023Marilyn Rueckingoos

Musical Selections
3/14/1976songShape Note Singers
5/23/1976medleyPrairie Chicken Pluckers
8/1/19824 songsHolly Loring
7/23/1983Sanctuary benefit concertThe Ethnic Impurities
12/11/1983AllelujaDoleta Chapru
12/11/1983AllegroRecorder Group
2/26/1984FuguePrairie Winds
2/26/1984PolkaJoe Lawrence
9/30/1984title unknownEllsworth Snyder
10/27/1985Las MañanitasThe Ethnic Connection
10/27/1985Moscow NightsThe Ethnic Connection
6/8/1986Ramblin in the New Mown HayMike Briggs, Doleta Chapru, et al.
10/26/1986Recorder piecesPrairie Winds
12/21/1986Lo How a Rose Err Blooming; Brightest and Best are the Angels of MorningPrairie choral group
3/22/1987Handel at the organMIke Briggs
3/22/1987Revenge, Timotheus CriesMichael Sheehy
3/22/1987GigueGeorge Calden
3/22/1987Where E'er You WalkBarbara Park
3/22/1987Allegro & AriaPrairie Winds
3/22/1987Sonata No. 3 in F MajorJoe Lawrence & Mike Briggs
6/4/1989Moscow NightsRuth & George Calden
1/14/1990Will the Circle Be Unbroken?congregation
2/25/1990duetAnna & Aileen Nettleton
2/25/1990Mississippi RagMike Briggs
4/15/1990piano/fiddle duetMike Briggs
5/20/1990Spring WindsMike Sheehy & Barb Park
11/18/1990Simple GiftsPrairie Band
12/23/1990trioGeorge & Ruth Calden, Rosemarie Lester
10/31/19933 piecesThe Ethnic Connection
4/9/1995ToccatinaErin Ackerman
4/30/1995My Man's Gone NowKay Frazier
8/27/1995Coney Island WashboardDixieland Band
12/17/1995flute soloMischa Park-Doob
6/30/19962 piecesThe Martin Buber Trio
2/21/1999We Are Not AloneBarb Park, Deb Phelps
5/9/1999Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2Carl Wacker, Doleta Chapru
10/24/1999International medleyThe Martin Buber Trio
3/5/2000Swing Low Sweet ChariotKay Frazier
3/26/2000I'm Nobody! Who are you?Dean Schroeder, Doleta Chapru
11/5/2000The Shepherd's SongRosemarie Lester
2/4/2001Come, Live with Pleasurechoir
5/20/2001piano pieceEleanor Owens
3/3/2002preludeMike Briggs
4/7/2002harpsichordLinda Sheehy & Doleta Chapru
5/19/2002preludeKatrina Schroeder
4/25/2004River Running FreeChoir
9/27/2009Kol NidreAbigail Cahill
5/9/2010Where there is Light in the SoulChoir
3/26/201113 songsContinental Drifters
11/6/2011Take the A TrainChris Rollins
10/21/2012Italian FiestaRuth Calden & Rosemarie Lester
10/21/2012Cancion MexticaRuth Calden & Rosemarie Lester
2/23/2014I Dream a WorldChoir
5/25/2014I'm So GladChoir
7/5/2015Hokey Pokeycongregation (video)
12/20/2015One Little CandleChoir
3/4/2018Swing Down LowChoir
3/25/2018Mozart Concerto No. 3, Mvt 3John Wunderlin & Emily O'Hanlon
7/1/2018Levi Jackson Rag
and Peacock Rag
Carol Steinhart & Mary Mullen
1/27/2019I'm a UnitarianDan Proud
6/2/2019Concerto No. 5 in D Major, 1st Mvt.Freddie Callister-Craig
9/25/2022alphorn   [with photo]John Wunderlin

50th Anniversary History Committee
  Interview recordings:
    Randy Converse
    Rosemarie Lester
    Orie Loucks
    Terri Prudlo
    Metje Butler
    Orange & Dean Schroeder
    Warren Hagstrom
    Mary Beth O'Halloran
    Minutes of Executive Board Meeting, April 13, 1967

Slide shows of photos since 2000

2003      2005-2006      2011-2017
2004      2007-2010
Place cursor over photo to pause a slide show. Use the
row of blue buttons to jump forward or backward in time.
Selected Full Service Recordings from Past Years
Congregation History
2/19/1989Re-Dedication of the Meeting Houseoos
3/10/1992Prairie history and structure (for new member orientation session)
10/25/1992Gee, It Doesn't Seem that Long....Prairie's 25th Anniversary Celebration
5/16/1999Developing a Prairie Mission Statementoos
11/30/2008Prairie Reflectionsoos
9/17/2017Fifty Years at Prairie - A Celebration of Every Decadeoos
5/26/2019Walls Talkingoos
8/5/1984Summer Concert
12/22/1985A Season for Celebration
2/25/1990Good Times Music
6/17/1990People of the Book (songbook)
8/27/1995Summer Music Specialoos
8/20/2000Prairie Jam Session
1/28/2001The Gospel According to the Ethnic Connection
8/15/2004Peace Like a River, Joy Like a Fountain
5/10/2009Women Composers or Who was Hilda Neupert?oos
5/9/2010Women Composers, II
7/31/2016Let's Blow Our Hornsoos
Mike Briggs
10/22/1989The U.N.-A Toothless Giant? with Norma Briggs and Pat Cautley
4/15/1990The Dodo and the Easter Bunny, an intergenerational service with Norma
4/22/1990The Death of the Worker with Norma
5/6/1990Techno-Cops with Norma
5/13/1990Who Owns Life? with Norma
12/23/1990Intergenerational Holiday Service with Norma
6/21/1992Life Without Father
11/22/1992Dear Bill...a letter to the president elect
12/13/1992Epithets: Putting Down and Lifting Up
2/14/1993Valentine's Day Intergenerational Service
12/24/1995A program of traditional Christmas readings and carols with Barbara Parkoos
9/30/2007G.A. Inspiration with Norma and Barbara Park
George Calden
12/9/1984Are there men's issues? on panel with Rick Ruecking, Gerald Beroldi and Geoff Bonser
9/14/1986The Liberation Theology of Father Carney
10/5/1986A Refusenick Trapped in the Soviet Union
6/3/1990A Prairie Stir Fry
7/11/1993Everyone Should Leave Tracks
12/12/1993Precious Memoriesoos
12/10/1995Let Every Little Light Shineoos
Ruth Calden
4/11/1976Shaker Life and Rituals
11/29/1987Prairie: Past, Present and Future
11/1/1998All Souls' Dayoos
10/31/1999All Souls' Day Celebration with Lisa Glueck
10/28/2001All Soul's Day
Robin Carré
5/24/1998Transitions Intergenerational Service with Erin Boschoos
9/26/1999Thinking Like Leonardooos
2/4/2001Introduction to Our Whole Lives for Adultsoos
2/18/2001Introduction to Our Whole Lives for Adults (the sequel)oos
6/17/2001Advocating for Sexuality Education, Health and Justiceoos
10/15/2017From Guatemala to Madison and Back: An Adoption Storyoos
Doleta Chapru
4/14/1985"Toughing it Out" on the Colorado Plains
5/5/1985Prairie Creators
8/29/1993Introducing - Singing the Living Tradition
4/7/1996Fun is a Family Valueoos
6/8/1997Personal Strategies for Emotional Healing
6/21/1998The Boy Scouts of America and the Right of Conscience
5/2/1999Prairie People Serve: How Are We Living up to Our UU Principles?oos
1/23/2000Duke Ellington: Music of the Soul, with Warren Hagstromoos
2/27/2000Respectful Disagreement: Between Nicey-Nice and Spilling Blood, with Jennifer Parker
9/10/2000Good Things About the Religions We've Left, with paneloos
8/25/2002Getting ALL the News: Alternatives to the Mainstream, with Nancy Graham
1/26/2003A Posse of Giddy Girls: Wyoming's Battle for Women's Suffrage
Warren Hagstrom
1/23/1977What Does Religion Mean to You? Do you Define Yourself as Religious?
12/11/1983Music in the Family: W.A. Mozart (1756-1791)oos
2/5/1984Music Among Friends: Franz Schubertoos
2/26/1984Dimitri Shostakovich: Music, Revolution and Tyrannyoos
3/22/1987George F. Handel: in Celebration of 303 Years of His Lifeoos
5/1/1988Stephen Fosteroos
9/10/1989Does Religion Have Any Redeeming Value?
9/17/1989Can a UU Be a Christian?
9/24/1989St. Paul and Power
10/1/1989Bible Stories-Good, Bad, and Awful
10/29/1989The Devil is the Spirit of Gravity-Through Him All Things Fall
11/5/1989The Politics of Original Sin
11/19/1989UU's and Other Denominations: Are We So Different?
9/22/1991Spirtuality and Its Antithesis
5/11/1997How the Irish Saved Civilization Featuring Music by Samuel Barberoos
5/9/1999Franz Liszt, A Really Romantic Composeroos
1/16/2000Our Korean Friends, with Doleta Chapruoos
2/20/2000The Tricksteroos
3/19/2000Richard Feynman: A Curious Character, with Al Nettletonoos
3/26/2000Emily Dickinson: Musical Settings of her Poems, with Doleta Chapruoos
12/10/2000J. S. Bach - 250th anniversary celebration (a musical biography)oos
4/28/2002Anything Goes: Cole Porter's Life and Music
2/4/2007The Myth of Romantic Love, Yesterday and Today
Rosemarie Lester
3/10/1991The Music of Kurt Weill with Al Nettleton
1/3/1993Cowboys, Injuns, Hogan's Heroes: What Images About the 'Other' Tell Us About Ourselves
6/15/1997The Images We Live With I with Nikki Bromberg
6/22/1997The Images We Live With II with Nikki Bromberg
12/7/1997Christmas Eve: From the Outside Looking Inoos
4/16/2000Hunting for Hope - A Word or Two from Literature with Kay Frazier, Rachel Long and Karen Grossoos
4/27/2008This I Believe with Judy Skog and Bob Cape
9/18/2011Let's Agree to Disagree: Notes from the 2011 General Assembly with Phyllis Long, Barb Park, Christina Klock and Marcia Johnson
12/23/2012Far and Near - A Joyful Noiseoos
Mary Mullen
4/29/1984Mary Mullen's Report on her Triip to the Texas/Mexico Border
11/25/1984Why a Woman Minister?
1/29/1989East Asia, Myths and Reality
2/5/1989Making Peace With the East
12/10/1989Sounds Suspiciously Like Homophobia to Me
12/17/1989Better Gay than Grumpy, But What About the Family?
1/14/1990Dark Days and Dawn: Not a Straight History (partial)
1/21/1990We Are a Gentle Angry People, But Are We Ready to Be a Welcoming Congregation?
4/20/1997This Little Light of Mine: Individual and Community Strategies Regarding Homophobia
7/29/2007Celebrating Malvina Reynolds, UU Singer-Songwriter
5/31/2009The Zen of Gardens and Gardening - Prairie People Talk about the Spirituality of Gardeningoos
5/13/2012Caroline Norton: Mothers & Women's Rightsoos
5/12/2013Remembering Our Mothersoos
Robin Proud
1/13/2008Behind Every Great Man: The Peabody Sisters
5/23/2010A Visit from Margaret Fulleroos
11/20/2011A Guest at Your Thanksgiving Tableoos
2/24/2013Harriet Martineauoos
10/20/2013Lydia Maria Childoos
5/18/2014The Secret Life of Julia Ward Howeoos
1/11/2015A Dose of Empathyoos
3/20/2016Charles Dickensoos
8/28/2016Out of this World: UUs and Science Fictionoos
3/12/2017Louisa Adamsoos
7/9/2017It Can't Happen Here - Or Can It?oos
11/5/2017Free Speech vs. Hate Speech: Where Do We Draw the Line?oos
5/13/2018Founding Mothersoos
10/28/2018Mary Shelley, Frankenstein and the Risks of Scienceoos
11/11/2018The Hero's Journeyoos
6/30/2019The Women's Journeyoos
10/20/2019Abigail Adams and the Anger of Womenoos
5/23/2020The Lost Art of Scripture: Karen Armstrongoos
8/23/2020Helen Hamilton Gardener, Free Thinker and Suffragistoos
1/24/2021The Invisible Stage of Lifeoos
4/11/2021Elizabeth Blackwelloos
9/26/2021"Unitarian, Suffragist, and Black" by Frances E. W. Harperoos
1/30/2022Rediscovered Transcendentalist: Caroline Healey Dalloos
Anne Urbanski
9/12/1993In the Beginning: A Look at Creation Myths
9/19/1993The God as Archetype - Part I: The Great Goddess and the Supreme Being
10/17/1993Myths In Modern Drama
1/28/1996What Does It Mean to Be A Religious Liberal in Madison, Wisconsin?
10/18/1998Sidney and God (featuring Anne, Al Nettleton, Warren Hagstrom & George Calden)
6/26/2016Fear is the path to the Dark Side: The inherent worth and dignity of every person versus fear of The Otheroos
6/4/2017Sidney and God (featuring Anne, Al Nettleton & Marty Drapkin)oos
9/24/2017Milestones in LGBTQ Historyoos
Pat Watkins
4/28/1985From the Belly of the Whale: Saga of a Black Family
11/17/1985Life Without Work
1/5/1986Back to the Future
4/13/1986Comes a Volunteer
6/8/1986Work & Song in Literature with Mike Briggs, Barbara James and Joe Lawrence
8/9/1987Of Patriotism, Solldiers and War
2/9/1992It's Love that Makes the World Go Round
3/20/1994The Ranking Game
5/7/1995A Jury of One's Peers? What's wrong with the jury system and what Dane County is doing to fix itoos
8/20/1995Neither Abridged Nor Deniedoos
10/26/1997Our Global Community: The UN and UUSC
2/8/1998Suffer the Little Childrenoos
8/30/1998If I Were a Rich Man or Woman: What and to Which Causes Would I Give?
1/9/2000Do We Consume Things or Do They Consume Us?oos
2/6/2000Black History in Song, Poetry and Prose
1/25/2009The Pain of War; The Joy of Peaceoos
2/19/2012The Story of A Black Familyoos
Dave Zakem
9/23/1984Cultures of the Andes: Ancient & Modern
3/15/1992Mayan Art and Culture, Past and Present
6/23/2002Sights and Insights of Laosoos
Outside Speakers
1/28/1990Sam Day: The Road to Peace Begins at Prairie UU
10/24/1999Tammy Baldwin: United Nations Sunday: The Honorable Tammy Baldwin, Congressional Rep. for Wis. 2nd District
9/15/2002John Nichols: Reclaiming our Civil Libertiesoos
4/3/2011Fred Edwords: A Humanist Look at Myth, Symbol, and Artoos
Archives Portal
Updated February 9, 2025, by Archives Committee