Prairie Fire |
May 22, 2011 |
In this issue: The Prairie Fire is published by Prairie Unitarian Universalist Society on the 6th and 21st of every month. View past issues at www.uuprairie.org
President Director of Religious Education Editor/ Congregational Administrator
Prairie Web Home Page News Group Views Social Action Humanist Union
Input Deadlines:
items, announcements, and program descriptions are due on the 1st and
15th of each month. Please send to Kate Liu at admin@uuprairie.org
Calendar Sunday, May 22, 2011
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Monday, June 6, 2011
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Upcoming Programs Sunday,
May 22, 2011, 10:00 am: "The First 100 Years of Universalism in Song,”
presented by Barbara Park. Our
own Barbara Park, choir director and president of Prairie, will take us
on a musical tour of the first 100 years of Universalist history in the
United States. Come prepared to sing! Barbara was raised Universalist
and grew up attending a Universalist church in Syracuse, New York. Sunday, June 5, 2011, 10:00 am: “Spring Poetry”
News & Announcements RE Game Day and all-congregation Potluck Picnic, Sunday May 29 - The RE school year ends on Sunday, May 22, but the fun won't stop there! On Sunday, May 29th, the RE students will head to Marlborough Park to play games during the service. Adult volunteers are needed – please contact our DRE, Rebecca Malke, to help out. Then, after the service, everyone is invited to a Memorial Day picnic in the park. Marlborough Park is a short walk from Prairie – go south on Whenona Drive until the road ends, then turn right into the park. The shelter where we'll eat our lunch is further south into the park. Results of the Spring Parish Meeting: The budget for 2011-2012 was passed. In brief, the budget was cut due to the economy and the desire to not take any further money from our reserves to balance the budget; if more pledges come in, items can be added back to the budget. We met our pledge goal of $82,500 as of the morning of the meeting. A slate of officers was presented with the Denominational Affairs chair and Social Action chair empty; during the meeting Pat Watkins and Nancy Schraufnagel volunteered to co-chair this committee. The rest of the slate of officers is as follows: President - Barb Park, Vice Pres. - Rick Ruecking, Treasurer - Amy Armstrong, Youth Member - Jason Yarusso, Communications - Al Nettleton, Den. Affairs - Pat Watkins and Nancy Schraufnagel volunteered to co-chair, Finance - Kathy Converse, Hosp&Mem - Erin Bosch/Heidi Hughes, Hous&Prop – Dirk Herr-Hoymann, LRP - Rachel Long, Program - Nick Abts, Youth RE - Robin Proud, Secretary - Continue unfilled, Social Action – Still open. New to Prairie? We're scheduling 3 sessions of small group participation for new members and others to discuss our mutual beliefs and as introduction to Prairie Society. We hope to hold these sessions between the dates of June 1 and 15 at times convenient for everyone. If you would like to attend, please contact Rick Ruecking at 838-8540 or schedule at Doodle – http://www.doodle.com/rvcia7z76sr2k7mh#calendar |
Unitarian Universalist Society
Whenona Dr.
WI 53711