Prairie Fire

August 22, 2010

In this issue:
-RE news
-Society News
-Retreat Information

The full-featured Prairie Fire is published on the 22nd of every month. The Prairie Fire Bulletin is a calendar-only newsletter that is published on the 
6th of every month. Both are published
by Prairie Unitarian Universalist Society. View past issues at

Contact Us:
Barbara Park, 608-273-8775

Director of Religious Education
Rebecca Malke-Eliganti

Editor/ Congregational Administrator
Kate Liu

Prairie Web Sites:

Society Home Page

News Group


Social Action

Humanist Union

Input Deadlines:

Calendar items and program descriptions are due on the 1st and 15th of each month. Feature articles for 
the full
Prairie Fire are due on the 15th of each month. Please send to Kate Liu at
or call 271-8218.


Sunday, August 22, 2010
10:00 am service - "Testing and Teacher Accountability," presented by Jim Carpenter.
Retreat registration forms will be available starting today!

Monday, August 23, 2010 - 7:00 pm – Finance committee meets at Prairie.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010
2:00 pm - Prairie Elders meet at Oakwood. Topic is humor about age and aging.
7:00 pm – Program committee meets at Prairie.

Sunday, August 29, 2010 - 9:30am - RE registration begins
10:00 am service - "In-Gathering and Water Ceremony" presented by Barbara Chatterton.
10:00 am - First RE classes of the new year
12:00 pm – Summer Splash Pool party and picnic

Tuesday, August 31, 2010 - 6:30 pm – Spanish Speakers Potluck, at Prairie.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010 - Prairie Fire Bulletin calendar items due.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

  7:00 pm - Housing & Property Committee will meet at Prairie.

Friday, September 10, 2010 - Retreat Registration forms due!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010 - Prairie Fire articles and other items due.

Friday, September 17 - Sunday, September 19
Prairie Family Retreat at Pine Lake Camp, Westfield, WI. Will include Humanist Union meeting, book club, WOW, and Sunday Key Log service.

Friday, September 24, 2010
60th Anniversary Party for Rose and Galen Smith. Details to follow.

Saturday, September 25, 2010
Save this date for a fundraising trip with Pat Watkins to see
Henri Cartier-Bresson: The Modern Century at the Art Institute of Chicago.
4:00 pm - 70
th Birthday party for Mary Somers, including an appearance by the Raging Grannies!

Upcoming Programs
Sunday, August 22, 2010, 10:00 am: “Testing and Teacher Accountability,” presented by Jim Carpenter.
This topic, Testing and Teacher Accountability, which will be explored by former teacher and principal Jim Carpenter, may not sound like a typical
sermon.” Yet the current rage for testing and subsequent rating of teachers, schools, and students on how well students do on the tests does relate to our UU principles. Learn about norm-referenced and criterion-referenced tests and Dr. Carpenter’s ideas about the value and problems of testing. In addition to his work in schools, Jim and his wife Margaret were co-coordinators of the Alternative Teacher Certification Program at the University of Wisconsin-Parkside. During this time Jim formed a research and evaluation consortium for school districts in southeast Wisconsin.

Sunday, August 29, 2010, 10:00 am: "Water Ceremony and In-Gathering,” presented by Barbara Chatterton. Today we will engage in the Ingathering Water Ceremony as we have for quite a few years here at Prairie, just as many UU Societies open the fall season with similar services. Please bring a sample of water from your summer travels. It can be from a pond or swimming pool near you or from anywhere on the globe you visited this year. We co-mingle the waters in a common vessel to represent our interconnectedness. If you would like to email one (please just one only!) picture from a trip or from around here, showing any type of water in the picture, Barbara will incorporate as many as possible into the service.( bchatter10 (at) Barbara walked into the First Unitarian Universalist Society of Syracuse in 1989 with her cousin, Betsy. During the service, she had a big Ah-Ha! moment and realized she had been a Unitarian all along. Barbara has been a friend and member of Prairie since 1997. She is a sister, mother and grandmother of two, lives in Middleton and has been a Realtor since 2001.

Sunday, September 5, 2010, 10:00am: "Labor Day: Honoring Workers, Pursuing Justice," presented by Rabbi Renee Bauer. Make Labor Day more meaningful this year by coming to learn more about worker justice and immigration issues in our own Madison community, with Rabbi Renee Bauer (Director of the Interfaith Coalition for Worker Justice of South Central Wisconsin) and two workers, Shannon Gaddy and Andres Ponce Romero. Both of them have been victims of wage theft, not getting paid for work they did at a local restaurant. They will share their stories. Additionally, Andres, who is a recent immigrant, and will share how being an immigrant effects how he is treated in the workplace. Rabbi Renée Bauer is an ordained Reconstructionist rabbi and Director of the Interfaith Center for Worker Justice of South Central Wisconsin, a non-profit that mobilizes faith and labor communities to bring economic justice to all. She is also a member of Madison’s Reconstructionist Jewish community, Shaarei Shamayim that met for many years at Prairie. She lives in Madison with her 21 month old daughter, Eliana and her partner Laurie.

Sunday, September 12, 2010, 10:00 am – "Law and Morality,” presented by Nick Abts and Ken Haydock. There are voices in America today saying that there is--and should be--a fusion of law and morality. Two attorneys here at Prairie examine a few of the ways that law and morality differ--and offer a few insights into unexpected ways that Anglo-American law addresses legal quandries.

Sunday, September 19, 2010, 10:00 am - “Key Log Ceremony,” presented by Doleta Chapru at the Prairie Retreat, Pine Lake Camp, Westfield, Wisconsin. Before logging trucks were widely used, logs from lumber camps were floated down rivers to the lumber mills. Sometimes a log would get out of place and cause other logs to jam up. Removing that log, called the key log, freed the other logs. Our key log ceremony is about personal “log jams.” People may toss a twig in the campfire to represent the removal of something that has gotten in the way of personal progress. For example: passing an important test, resolving a dispute, getting a job or finishing a project that’s been bugging you for months. Some people briefly describe their freed log jam. Some throw a twig on the fire silently. Some simply enjoy the fire and celebrate others’ progress. Perhaps this description will provide incentive to remove personal key logs before the retreat.

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Religious Education News

Classes begin August 29th at 10:00 a.m. If you still need to register your child(ren) registration will begin at 9:30. Please make sure you have your forms turned in before classes begin. After classes we will meet at the Goodman Aquatic Center in Verona for our annual Summer Splash event. Once you arrive please say you are with the Prairie UU party and they will wave you in. Admission is $5 for anyone 16 and older, $4 for youth and free for children under 1 years old. RE will be providing a lunch and would appreciate a donation of $2 or whatever you can afford for this event. Additional information is also posted on our web site at As always, see you on Sunday. Rebecca Malke Director of Religious Education

Our Society

New Consulting Minister Chosen for Prairie

I am pleased to announce that Rev. Jane Esbensen was approved as our new consulting minister at the Parish meeting on August 15th. The vote was 39 yes, 4 abstentions. Rev. Esbensen spoke Sunday on the topic “To Do Good Is My Religion,” and had every one present briefly tell what tradition they were raised in and one positive thing that they brought with them into adulthood. Rev Esbensen will be officially starting on September 1st and will have regular office hours at Prairie. She will be joining us at our retreat in September and will give her first Sunday morning program on October 10th. We warmly welcome her to the Prairie fold.

Barbara Park, Prairie UU President
273-8775 or barpark (at)

Dear All,
It is with the greatest joy and strongest sense of responsibility that I accept your invitation to be your newest consulting minister for this coming year. I thank the Search Committee for selecting me, I thank the Board for accepting this selection and I thank all of you for your vote of confidence in who I am and in what we may create together this year at Prairie. I look forward to getting to know you, each and everyone, so I hope you accept my invitation to come by and see me when I have my office hours, or that you know I am only a phone call away. Let the year begin! Starting September 1st, my office hours at Prairie will be Mondays and Wednesdays from 9am to 3pm. Please free to call if you want to set up a particular day and time to meet with me. Otherwise you can certainly drop in, but I cannot guarantee that I'll always be available, so if it's important let's arrange something ahead of time ---- if possible! Also, if there are days and times that you need to meet with me that are not on Mondays and Wednesdays, please let me know and I will do my very best to be available to you. I hope you all know that you can contact me whenever you need to or wish to. My cell phone is the best number to reach me: 608-770-5486.
Most warmly,

WOW News

WOW is the Prairie Women's Group that meets once a month for breakfast potluck and conversation, with the occasional project. In September we will meet at the Prairie Retreat, Saturday, September 18th, and the October meeting is October 2nd, back at Prairie, at 9 am.

Any questions or emails to add to the group call 276 8397 or email marysomers44 (at)

Mary Somers, WOW coordinator

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Spanish Speaker's Potluck

The Spanish Speakers will hold their next potluck at Prairie on Tuesday, August 31st at 6:30 pm. Any level of Spanish speaking ability is welcome at these gatherings. Please call Rosemary Dorney at 238-4382 for more information about the group or to arrange a ride.

Prairie Book Club Update

The Prairie Book Club meets monthly, after the Sunday Service at Prairie, about 11:45 a.m..except for September when it meets at the Prairie Retreat. Bring potluck food to share at the Sunday club meetings. This is an open book club. You may come whether or not you have read the book. For more information, contact Mary Mullen, 608.298.0843 or mmullen(at)

Saturday, September 18 - Mukiwa: A White Boy in Africa, by Peter Godwin

Sunday, October 17 – Now and at the Hour, a novel by our own former Prairie member Marty Drapkin. (Contact Erin Bosch to get a $6 copy from the author: 238-6285 or

Mary Mullen
Book Club Coordinator

Summer Reads Booklist

Here is the list of books created from the “Summer Reads” service. The list is organized by author, title, publisher and date, and the name of the person who recommended it. Happy reading!

Baldwin, Shauna Singh,
What the Body Remembers, Anchor, 2001 (Kate Liu)
Desai, Kiran,
The Inheritance of Loss, Grove Press, 2006 (Rosemarie Lester)
Doerr, Harriet.
Stones for Ibarra, Viking Press, 1978
Erdrich, Louise,
The Plague of Doves, Harper, 2008 (Terri Prudlo)
Follett, Ken,
Whiteout, Dutton Adult, 2004 (Terri Prudlo)
Ford, Jamie,
Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet, Ballantine Books, 2009
Heinlein, Robert A., Spider Robinson, Robert James,
For Us, The Living: A Comedy of Customs, Pocket Books, 2004
Kroll, Steven,
Howard and Gracie's Luncheonette, illustrated by Michael Sours, Henry Holt and Company, New York, 1991 (Doleta Chapru)
Larsson, Stieg,
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Vintage, 2009 (Sandy Haspl)
Larsson, Stieg,
The Girl Who Played with Fire, Vintage, 2010 (Sandy Haspl)
Larsson, Stieg,
The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest, Knopf, 2010 (Sandy Haspl)
Miller, Sue,
While I Was Gone, Ballantine Books, 2000 (Paula Pachciarz) 
Mistry, Rohinton,
Family Matters, Knopf, 2002 (Ruth Calden)
Rash, Ron,
Serena, Ecco, 2008 (Pat Watkins)
Shute, Nevil,
Pied Piper, House of Stratus, 2000 (Erin Bosch)
Smith, Betty,
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Perennial - Modern Classics, 1943 (Rose Smith)
Tobin, Betsy,
Ice Land, Plume, 2009, (Barbara Park)
Tyler, Anne,
Celestial Navigation, Knopf, 1974

Alexie, Sherman,
The Absolutely True Story of a Part Time Indian, Little, Brown Books for Young Readers, 2007 (Donna Murdoch)
Bishop, Holley,
Robbing the Bees: A Biography of Honey--The Sweet Liquid Gold that Seduced the World, Free Press, 2005 (Ken Haydock)
Braestrup, Kate,
Here If You Need Me: A True Story, Little, Brown and Company, 2007 (Gordon Cunningham)
Brown, Dee,
The Gentle Tamers: Women of the Old Wild West, Univ. of Nebraska Press, 1958 (Marcia Johnson)
Brunton, Paul, The Search in Secret India (Bob Rao)
Chernow, Ron,
Alexander Hamilton, Penguin Press, 2004 (Sandy Haspl)
Epstein, Greg M.,
Good Without God: What a Billion Nonreligious People Do Believe, William Morrow, 2009 (Bob Park)
McKibben, Bill,
Eaarth: Making a Life on a Tough New Planet, Times Books, 2010 (Galen Smith)
Mortenson, Greg, Stones into Schools: Promoting Peace with Books, Not Bombs, in Afghanistan and Pakistan, Viking Adult, 2009 (Rose Smith) Page 4
Orwell, George, Homage to Catalonia, Mariner Books, 1980 (Ken Haydock)
Rashid, Mark,
Considering the Horse: Tales of Problems Solved and Lessons Learned, Spring Creek Press, 1993 (Paula Pachciarz)
Yeager, Jeff,
The Cheapskate Next Door: The Surprising Secrets of Americans Living Happily Below Their Means, Broadway, 2010 (Dorothy Krause)

Prairie Elders meetings
Prairie Elders is a group of over-65 Prairie members who meet once a month (generally on the 4th Tuesday) at Oakwood, in the Nakoma room, for conversation and mutual support. New members are always welcome. Topics alternate between general interest and more personal items.
For August 24th the topic is "Humor about Age and Aging." Bring an aphorism, a clever literary quotation, a good joke, a funny personal story, scientific findings about laughter, your own witticisms or whatever you deem relevant. Michael Pritchard wrote “You don't stop laughing because you grow old. You grow old because you stop laughing.” While neither Pritchard nor contemporary scientists fully understand the physiology of laughter, there are ample indications it is good for us. Prepare to have some good guffaws.

All meetings begin with informal conversation at 1:30 pm, followed by discussion beginning at 2:00 pm. If possible, please bring some snacks to share and your own beverage cup. For more information about the group or to arrange a ride, please call one of the following: Donna Murdoch 238-3802, Gordon Cunningham 230-3367, Rosemary Dorney 238-4382 or Rose Smith 233-3363.

Bylaws Task Force Starting Prairie is calling together a task force to update our bylaws, and I have agreed to lead it. The first step is to change the process by which the bylaws are amended. We will rewrite the proposal put forward at our Spring Parish Meeting, incorporating the changes suggested. After approval by the Board, the proposed change will be voted on at our upcoming Fall Parish Meeting. After that, the task force will work with the Board on developing proposals for changes in the bylaws to reflect proposed changes in our governance structure. If any of you are interested in serving on the Bylaws Task Force, please let me know. Your time commitment this fall would be minimal. The more detailed (and interesting if you like this sort of thing) work will likely be in the winter and early spring, depending on the Board's readiness for us to move ahead. Rachel Long

Prairie Fall Family Retreat!

The Prairie Fall Family Retreat will be held at the Pine Lake Camp just outside of Westfield, WI, from Friday, September 17th through Sunday, September 19th. Both Prairie members and friends are invited to attend. Registration forms are now available – as a pull-out in the printed Prairie Fire, an add-on to the online Prairie Fire, or in paper form at Prairie on the greeting table. Registration opens Sunday, August 22nd and closes Friday, September 10th, so please get those forms in as soon as possible! You can mail them to Robin Proud at the address listed on the form, or mail or bring them to Prairie UU Society. Also - Please save this Prairie Fire as it has a lot of information you will need!

If you would like to have a look at the retreat site, you can visit their website at As you go through the site, you can see more complete descriptions of the lodging and other amenities.

Last year there was some difficulty with finding the retreat site, both due to arriving in the dark and a lack of good direction to the site. Even those who used their GPS found the directions hard to follow! I am offering here simple, turn-by-turn directions to get you there with a minimum of stress: head north from Madison on 90-94 and get on 51 north near Portage. Take 51 north to exit 113. When you come down the exit ramp, turn left at the bottom and go under the highway. Take the first right turn onto Pioneer Park Road, which will lead you past the famous Pioneer Restaurant. Follow Pioneer Park for 0.7 miles, then turn right onto North Main Street (also labeled as county highway CH and possibly also M.) After 0.8 miles, highway M will turn off to the left, and you should follow highway M.

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From this turn, it is a little more than 6 miles to the turn-off for Pine Lake Camp, which will be on the left. It should also be easier to find the camp this year as we are coming earlier in the year and should have the advantage of daylight later into the evening.

As you get ready for the retreat, please keep in mind the following things. Pine Lake is lovely but rustic and spread out a bit, so dress for comfort and be prepared to do some walking around. The grounds are not incredibly well lit at night – good for star gazing but not so good for getting around – so bring a flashlight. Take note on the registration form if the accommodations you have chosen have linens provided or if you will need to bring your own. Look over the program descriptions (later in this article) and see what you would like to do and if you need to bring any supplies with you (such as a musical instrument or a book for the book club).

Please make note of Pine Lake's rules and regulations:

Please park all vehicles in the designated parking areas (next to cabins or in main parking lot). It is important that all roads in the main camp are kept open and free of vehicles for all our guests and for emergency vehicle access. Please observe the reserved signs which designate parking for camp vehicles and accessible parking for the disabled. A golf cart is available for use by adults in need of mobile help (not to be used by children).


First aid kits are located in the dining area at Amphlett Hall, at Oakwood Center, the Rader Center, and in the office (located in the Nature Center building). There is an automatic defibrillator located in the office. Nick Coenen (camp director) is a certified first responder. A response to a 911 call takes 3 minutes; an ambulance responds in 8 to 10 minutes.

Absolute No’s

No smoking and No alcohol.


Parents are expected to know where their children (and their children’s guests) are at all times. Groups of kids are not allowed to stay in a room overnight without an adult present.


We are guests at this facility. Should you encounter any problems, please come to Kate Liu, Robin Proud or Phyllis Long first to deal with any incidents. Please clean up after yourself. Be sure to take all of your “art projects” home with you; otherwise they will be discarded. Due to health department regulations all kitchenware is sanitized after each guest use. Please wash kitchenware you have used (pots and pans, dishes, utensils, etc.) and leave on the kitchen counter when you check out of your cabin, so the camp staff can sanitize it for the incoming guests.

Program Descriptions

Saturday Night DinnerGroup Cooking: set up, cooking, serving, clean up—(all done by Prairie folks) Oakwood Center, 5:30 p.m.

Bollywood Dancing - John and Rebecca will teach Prairie folks how to dance like a Bollywood star! A simple routine will be taught to some very lively Bollywood music. Dances in Bollywood films are a synthesis of formal and folk Indian traditional music and dance traditions, with the infusion of Western techniques like disco. They have evolved as a unique and energetic style. Since they are group dances, they are often used as joyful exercise music. ( led by Rebecca Malki-Eliganti and John Eliganti) Oakwood Center—1:00 p.m.

Kabaddi –(not for very small children) Kabaddi, which means "holding of breath" in Hindi, is a team contact sport that originated in India. Two teams occupy opposite halves of a field and take turns sending a "raider" into the other half in order to win points by tagging members of the opposing team. During the "raid" the person must hold his or her breath and chant "kabaddi, kabaddi, kabaddi" during the whole raid. When they feel out of breath they must return to their side before they lose air. Holding of the breath is a crucial aspect of play. It is the national game of Andhra Pradesh, India where John Eliganti is from. (led by Rebecca Malki-Eliganti and John Eliganti) Oakwood Center—3:00 p.m.

The Ping-Pong Tournament is a laid-back and fun ongoing activity throughout the weekend. The intent is to have people get to know each other by playing this game. There will be three pools of various skill levels. You can include yourself in the pool that you think will provide an even level of competition for you. Looking at who is already listed in the various pools might help you make that choice. You will arrange your own times to play the other participants in your pool at your mutual convenience. (led by Erin Bosch) Ping Pong Room, Amphlett Hall—All day.

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Cross Purposes--The equipment needed for the game are a pencil or pen and a blank sheet of paper for each player. It works best for 2 people but, up to 4 can play using only the larger grids. The object of the game is to make as many words of at least 3 letters as possible. The longer the word, the bigger the point score. The game is expanded to include larger grids, challenges, and more. (led by Dave Johnson) First floor Conference Room, Rader Center—7:00 p.m.

Storytime--I will have a variety of children's books to choose from and stories for all ages. What we choose will depend on those present. (led by Rose Smith) Lower level lounge, Rader Center—10:00 a.m.

Nature Walk---I will lead a walk for all ages through the woods down to the lake. The emphasis will be on enjoying and exploring whatever nature we find on land and in the water. (led by Galen Smith)Walk begins at the Nature Center—1:00 p.m.

Let’s Play Bridge—Do you like to play contract bridge? Here is an opportunity to join others who share your interest for an hour of fun. Even if you aren’t that familiar with the game, but would like to learn, or brush up on your skills you are welcome! (led by Phyllis Long) First floor conference room, Rader Center—3:00 p.m.

Paper Bag Crafts—Masks, puppets, costumes, and more can emerge from simple paper bags. If you have a supply of various sized paper bags that need to be used (recycled into artwork), please let Aileen N. know and bring them along. Ages 5-15 and up! (led by Aileen Nettleton) Craft Center—4:00 p.m.

Folk Dancing for Fun--All are welcome to come dance to the music of our own Prairie folk band, play along on a rhythm instrument or enjoy watching. Dancing will begin with fun, easy mixers for all ages including babes in front packs and toddlers-in-hand or riding piggy-back. Next will be easy novelty dances for adults and for children who can understand instructions. We will finish with circle dances of various speeds and cool down with something gentle. All steps will be taught.(led by Doleta Chapru) Oakwood Center—8:30 p.m.

Key Log Ceremony--Before logging trucks were widely used, logs from lumber camps were floated down rivers to the lumber mills. Sometimes a log would get out of place and cause other logs to jam up. Removing that log, called the key log, freed the other logs. Our key log ceremony is about personal “log jams.” People may toss a twig in the campfire to represent the removal of something that has gotten in the way of personal progress. For example: passing an important test, resolving a dispute, getting a job or finishing a project that’s been bugging you for months. Some people briefly describe their freed log jam. Some throw a twig on the fire silently. Some simply enjoy the fire and celebrate others’ progress. Perhaps this description will provide incentive to remove personal key logs before the retreat.(led by Doleta Chapru) Outdoor Fire Pit—10:00 a.m. Sunday.

Book Club--Newcomers as well as regulars are invited to attend the Prairie book club meeting on Saturday, September 18. You need not have finished – or even started - the book, although you’ll enjoy the discussion if you are familiar with it. Mukiwa: A White Boy in Africa, by Peter Godwin, is a memoir of a man who grew up in Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe. His family was white, professional and middle class, but also liberal. As a result, he had black friends and learned the local language and got to know the bush. Yet he was caught up in the war for independence and required to serve in the Rhodesian armed forces. After the war he became a journalist, eventually fleeing the country when his investigative reporting led to threats to his safety. Published in 1996. 418 pages. Recommended by Rose Smith. (led by Mary Mullen) Lower level lounge, Rader Center—9:00 a.m.

Making Oobleck--In this messy session, we'll make some strange concoctions and explore their surprising properties. Whether you prefer to think of our activity as hands-on experiments in polymerization and non-newtonian fluids, or whether you prefer to think of it as weird, cool fun, we think you'll enjoy mixing and playing with some strange stuff. Tactile fun for all ages.(led by Kate Liu and Karen Deaton) Craft Center, 9:00 a.m.

Gentle Yoga--A one hour session of yoga specifically geared to those who prefer a gentle approach, for those who are new to yoga, recovering or injured, or simply need a gentler approach. Please bring a yoga mat (a number will be available to borrow) and dress in unbinding layers for comfortable all over movement. Please consider bringing a blanket to add warmth during final relaxation. Movement will be very gentle, offering lots of options for comfort and pleasure in movement.(led by Katherine Peterson) First floor lounge, Rader Center,10:00 a.m.

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Restorative Yoga--This one hour session is specifically geared those with yoga experience that prefer the pleasure of practicing stimulating movement (always with options for comfort and ease) that transitions to a generous restorative finish. Please dress in unbinding layers for comfortable all over movement. We will begin with a slow flowing series to warm the body, moving to sustained postures in standing, a transition to seated poses, and end in a final relaxation with support, guided imagery, and gentle music.(led by Katherine Peterson) First floor lounge, Rader Center, 1:00 p.m.

Coping with Stress—Learn coping techniques such as guided imagery, progressive relaxation and the relaxation response. (led by Phyllis Long) First floor lounge, Rader Center, 4:00 p.m.

A Lesson in American Sign Language--Cheyenne Hale, with the assistance of Karen Deaton, will teach participants how to fingerspell along with some basic characters. Cheyenne has been learning American Sign Language (ASL) in high school. Karen learned fingerspelling and Signed English as a child and later learned ASL while in graduate school. (led by Cheyenne Hale, with Karen Deaton) First floor lounge, Rader Center, 2:00 p.m.

Paper Fashion Fun (all ages)--Did you love to play with paper dolls as a kid? Or are you now a kid who enjoys creating fashions? Designers of all ages can use fancy papers, ribbons, fur, sequins, and more to make all kinds of clothes and the paper people to wear them. No experience or artistic talent needed as there will be stencils available for those who want them.(led by Robin Proud)Craft Center, 11:00 a.m.

More activities – descriptions to follow:

Friday night bonfire and s'mores; Ethical Dilemmas discussion Friday 10:30 pm with Rick Ruecking; Low Ropes Course or Archery with camp director Nick Coenen 9am Saturday; 2010 Ware Lecture with Rachel Long 9 am Saturday; Girl Scout Games with Maya Urbanski 11am Saturday; Children's Games with Rick Ruecking Saturday at 1; Humanist Union led by Al Nettleton Saturday at 1; recorder lesson with Mary Frantz Saturday at 1; Prairie visioning with Barbara Park Saturday at 3pm; Spanish lesson with Marcia Johnson Saturday at 4; Talent Show led by Dan Proud after dinner on Saturday.

If you have any questions about the retreat, please contact one of us, and we hope to see you there!

Phyllis Long, Retreat Program Coordinator plong373 (at)
Robin Proud, Registrar derrproud (at)
Kate Liu, Prairie Administrator admin (at)

Prairie UU Society
2010 Whenona Dr.
Madison, WI 53711




ACCOMMODATIONS (Same rate for children & adults except as below.)

Rader Retreat Center (linens & towels provided) - 22 rooms. This is the "hotel style" building. All rooms have at least one queen bed, one twin bed, and a private bathroom. Some of these rooms also have an additional twin bed, though it is a pull-out trundle bed. These rooms are in the main retreat building, convenient to most of the meeting spaces and the craft cabin. These rooms are the most accessible.

# of nights _____ 2 in room - $45 per person per night Total _____________

3 in room - $36 per person per night Total _____________

4 in room - $32 per person per night Total _____________

General note about all cabin and camping accommodations listed below – these are more rustic, a little further from the main buildings, and have more uneven ground around them (hence are less accessible.)

Susanna Wesley House (bring linens & towels) The Wesley House features four bedrooms, with two on the upper level and two on the lower level, and two complete bathrooms. There is also a full kitchen and dining area on the upper level. Each level also features a living/meeting space. There are beds in bedrooms for 8 people (1 queen bed and 6 twin beds.) There is also a pull-out couch in the lower living room. The house could accommodate a couple of families, with kids taking the pull-out couch or slumber-partying on the floor, or a group of up to 8 adults.

# of nights ______ $30 per person per night (room for 2 kids, no extra cost) Total __________

Black Oak Cabin (bring linens & towels) This cabin has 2 bedrooms, a bathroom, a kitchen, and a living room with a fireplace. Black Oak has a fold out couch, a queen bed, and a room with a double-lower-single-upper bunk bed.

# of nights ______ $125 per night Total __________

Red Oak Cabin (bring linens & towels) –This cabin has 2 bedrooms, a bathroom, a kitchen, and a living room with a fireplace. Red Oak has 2 twin beds in one room and a double-lower-single-upper bunk bed in the other.

# of nights ______ $115 per night Total __________

White Oak Cabin (bring linens & towels) – This is a smaller cabin, though it has a kitchen, living area, and 2 small bedrooms. There are beds for 4 people.

# of nights ______ $105 per night Total __________

Birch Cabins (bring linens & towels) – Each side of a Birch cabin has 5 bunk beds and a full bathroom. A kitchen and living area is shared between the 2 sides. We have 2 of these cabins, or 4 “sides.” One family can take a whole side, or individuals can go by bed.

# nights ______ $30 per night per adult, $12 per night per child OR

# of nights _________ $75 per night per family (take up one “side”)

Camping Campsites are available for either tenting or RV. Sites have electricity available, but no water at the time of the year we'll be there. You'll need to bring your own bottled water for toothbrushing, and plan to use the shower probably in the Wesley house (since there are 2 bathrooms.) The sites are a short walk around the lake trail from the rest of the camp buildings.

# of nights ______$19 per tent site, $22 for RV (electricity but no water at site) Total ___________

TOTAL ACCOMMODATIONS COST _________________ **Please indicate both a first and second choice for lodging by placing a 1 and a 2 next to the totals.**

MEALS (we are cooking dinner together Sat night, hence the lower cost)

Adults Children under 12

#______Saturday breakfast – 9.50 #______ Saturday breakfast –5.00

_____ Saturday lunch -11.00 ______ Saturday lunch – 6.00

______ Saturday dinner – 3.00 ______ Saturday dinner – 2.00

______ Sunday breakfast -9.50 ______Sunday breakfast – 5.00

Or______all meals 33.00 Or______ all meals 18.00


Total Charges: accommodations ____ plus meals ____ = _____________
My family needs a scholarship of (subtract from total) ___________
I am donating to the scholarship fund (add to total) ____________
Amount paid (please make check payable to Prairie UU) ____________


I would like to carpool – day & time leaving Madison ___________ returning______

I will be rooming with ____________________________________

I need a roommate (list any preferences)______________________________

I /we need a special diet Vegetarian Vegan Other (please specify) _________________________

I can give an hour to help provide childcare _________________________

I would like to help cook dinner Saturday night _________________________

I would like to have some assistance with getting around at the retreat center ______

(we will have use of a golf cart to help people with getting around.)

The camp director can offer either archery or the low ropes course for kids 8 and up. Which would your kids prefer? ____________________


****DEADLINE, FRIDAY September 10th *******

Questions, call Robin 236-2229 or Kate 271-8218