Prairie Fire |
January 22, 2010 |
this issue: The
full-featured Prairie
is published on the 22nd
Minister Youth
Coordinator Editor/Administrator President
Prairie Web Sites: Society Home Page News Group Views Social Action Humanist Union
Input Deadlines: Calendar
items and program descriptions
Calendar Sunday,
January 24, 2010 Wednesday, January 27, 2010 - 7:00 pm - Housing and Property committee meets. Thursday, January 28, 2010 - evening, time TBA, Adult Ed Committee meets.
January 30, 2010 Sunday,
January 31, 2010 - 8:45 am - Choir
rehearsal. Monday, February 1, 2010 - Prairie Fire Bulletin calendar items due.
February 3, 2010
February 6, 2010 Sunday,
February 7, 2010 - 8:45 am - Choir
rehearsal. Wednesday,
February 10, 2010
your calendars! Upcoming
Programs Sunday, January 31, 10:00am: "Terratheism: A New Way to View Science and Religion," presented by Andrew Kerr. An exploration of terratheism, the belief that Earth’s community of life has a lot to tell us about the nature of God, because Earth’s living things struggle to achieve God’s hopes as the means to succeed in the struggle for life. Our presenter, Andrew Kerr, is the Speaker with the Free Congregation of Sauk County. Andrew and his wife, Jennifer, operate Greenspirit Farm, near Dodgeville, a family run farm specializing in a wide variety of lovingly grown, organic vegetables and small fruits. Sunday, February 7, 2010, 10:00 am - "Scientific Education and the Scientific Public," presented by Prof. John Hawks. Complex scientific issues are increasingly part of public policy debates and individual futures. Climate change, alternative fuels, genetic modification, routine mammograms, genomic testing -- each is a topic driven by scientific inquiry, presenting opportunities for technological solutions but demanding public awareness. How can we cultivate a culture of aware citizens, informed consumers, and entrepreneurs ready to invest or work in scientific fields? Can education policy advance these goals? Professor John Hawks has been an Assistant Professor of Anthropology at the UW-Madison since 2002. He teaches a range of courses from the introductory to the graduate level. In his research, he investigates human evolution in its morphological and genetic aspects. For more detailed information, check out his page with the University at http://www.anthropology.wisc.edu/people_hawks.php. Sunday, February 14, 2010, 10:00 am - "Re-imagining Valentine's Day: Standing on the Side of Love ," presented by Rev. Ralph Tyksinski. This Sunday we observe a public advocacy campaign that seeks to harness love’s power to stop oppression. It is sponsored by the Unitarian Universalist Association <http://www.uua..org/> and all are welcomed to join. Why? We explore at this period in American society as a time of great hope and possibility, yet our communities are threatened by the increased prevalence of acts motivated by fear and hate. No one should be dehumanized through acts of exclusion, oppression, or violence because of their identities. In public debates over immigration, LGBT rights, and more, religious people stand on the side of love and call for respect, inclusion, and compassion. Religious
Education News Page 2 I always wonder at the start of the year what great things the new year will bring. I also have that negative side that can't help but ask what disasters will this year bring? The poor people of Haiti have been hit hard and through our continued studies of our seven principles our young people are learning that by exercising our sixth principle, "We believe in working for a peaceful, fair and free world", they too can make a difference. As always there's a lot going on in RE. This Sunday students will continue working on the butterfly garden with indoor projects setup by Karen Deaton and the Green Sanctuary Committee. Next month will be Wild Wintering, our overnight event. If the weather is nice and snowy we will go sledding, otherwise we will stay warm by bowling with family and friends. February also kicks off our month-long Mystery Friends event with a potluck celebration in March. Also, on March 7th each class will give a presentation upstairs on a famous Unitarian Universalist. As always if you would like to get involved please let me or RE Chair, Robin Proud, know. RE Committee meetings are every other Sunday at 9 am, childcare provided. For more information on the events I mentioned or other RE news please visit our web site at: www.uuprairie.org/re Rebecca Malke Youth Religious Education Coordinator youthcoordinator@uuprairie.org |
Our Society January 17th Program Notes
Also at this service, Prairie took a special collection to support the joint Haiti Earthquake Relief Fund organized by the UUA and the UUSC. We raised over $1000 for this effort! If you would like to contribute to this fund, there is still time - you can bring a check (made out to Prairie with "Haiti" in the memo line) or cash to Prairie and our administrator will add in your donation. If you have made a contribution to other Haiti relief efforts and are willing to do so, please inform our president, Rachel Long, as the UUA is interested in tracking the total amount of donations from members of our denomination. (For example, tracking the data after hurricane Katrina revealed that Unitarian Universalists have collectively contributed $3.7 million to the ongoing efforts of relief in the gulf coast area. ) Kate
Liu Special Collection Procedures Those
of you who attended the January 17th service where we took a
collection for Haiti may have noticed that we took the collection in
a different way. We are trying something new for special collections
like this one for Haiti or collecting money to pay for breakfast when
we serve at the Men's Homeless Shelter at Grace Episcopal Church.
Instead of passing the basket for Prairie donations and then a
separate can or basket for the charity, we will have an envelope in
the collection basket so people can put in cash or checks for the
special collection. The envelope will be clearly marked.
WOW to Meet February 6th Prairie's Women's group, also known as WOW, meets monthly for breakfast potluck and conversation and an occasional project. In December we assembled gift baskets, and earlier in 2009 we painted watercolors. We will meet next on Saturday, February 6th, at 9:00 am. Please join us for great food and conversation. Prairie Book Club Selections For February, the Prairie Book Club is reading Cutting For Stone by Abraham Verghese, a story involving a complex Indian family, takes place in Ethiopia and America. The author is a renowned physician, and a number of the characters are physicians. The book will be discussed over potluck lunch on February 21st after the service at Prairie. Looking ahead, the book club is reading Remarkable Creatures: Epic Adventures in the Search for the Origins of Species by Sean Carroll for March 21st. Prairie Elders The Prairie Elders group aims to provide good times and mutual support for Prairie UU Members and Friends over 65. Current participants range from age 65 to 90-something. We meet once a month, typically on the fourth Tuesday, beginning at 1:30 pm for informal conversation and a more structured discussion beginning at 2pm. We meet in the Nakoma room in the Heritage Oaks building, Oakwood Village West. (You can park in front or underneath the building.) Our January meeting will be on the 26th, discussing Top Films. Bring a prioritized list of a few favorites. After we have discussed one film Page 4 each, we’ll do another round as time permits. Not into films? Join us anyway and share your thoughts on the film industry or just have some snacks and listen. Topics alternate between general issues and personal interests, and our “round robin” format gives all an opportunity to speak and to hear. If you are interested and would like more information about the group, or would like to arrange a ride, please contact one of the following: Donna Murdoch 238-3802, Gordon Cunningham 230-3367, Rosemary Dorney 238-4382 or Rose Smith 233-3363. Doleta
ANNUAL SERVICE AUCTION COMING SOON! This is also a good time to review what you bought or promised last year so you can get those things done before the auction rolls around again. There is a spreadsheet hanging on the bulletin board across from the greeting table at Prairie; or you can contact Kate Liu, Prairie's administrator, at admin(at) uuprairie.org. Barbara
5 Spanish Speaker's Potluck The next Spanish Speaker's potluck will be Wednesday, February 10th at 6:30 pm at the home of Dave and Marcia Johnson, 305 S. Segoe Rd. Please call Dave and Marcia at 441-0271 for directions, or Rosemary Dorney at 238-4382 for more information about the group. Green Committee News Your Green Sanctuary Committee will be inaugurating a 6 week course on "Menus for the Future." This is one of a series of courses offered by the Northwest Earth Institute. The courses are directed and led by the participants and consist of readings from a course book with the meetings consisting of discussions of the questions listed in the readings. There is no "leader". Participants take turns chairing the meetings. Each participant, or couple if you wish, needs to buy a course book. The cost is about $20.00. Groups usually consist of 8 to 10 people. The groups decide when, where, and how often they will meet and how long the meetings will last. The final meeting is a feast, either a potluck or restaurant meal.
Dave Johnson, Green Committee member
Workshop on Ministerial Relationships Q & A with Speaker Andrew Kerr of Sauk City UU In
connection with Prairie's year-long exploration of
ministry/ministerial relationships, the Long-Range Planning Committee
invites you to a brief Q&A session with Andrew Kerr of the Free
Congregation of Sauk County directly after his service presentation
on Sunday, January 31. To meet the ministry and logistical needs of
the congregation, the Free Congregation of Sauk County engages a
Speaker (Mr. Kerr), who is responsible for two services per month,
and an Administrator. Mr. Kerr will remark on the roles of Speaker
and Administrator, and how the congregation arrived at this
arrangement. Page
6 Robyn
Perrin Social Action Notes Prairie serves breakfast at the Grace Episcopal Church in downtown Madison once per month, working jointly with James Reeb UU Congregation. The next date for serving breakfast is Saturday, February 6th - if you are interested in helping, please contact Dave Johnson. After two successful performances in the Madison area, Prairie member Nancy Graham is bringing the play Seven Jewish Children to Tucson, Arizona. Nancy is producing the play, with Andy Somers directing. Mary Somers Social Action Chair ![]() Rev. Ralph's Ruminations This January, 2010’s arrival, brings along with it not only a new year but also a new decade, with all the challenges that come to us as living, caring and concerned human beings. Many of us are amazed and in shock at the horrendous conditions in Haiti in the aftermath of the 7.0 earthquake that is bringing such devastation and destruction to millions. In 1989 I was employed by FEMA( Federal Emergency Management Agency). During that year was I on the staff of the National Emergency Training Center in Emmitsburg, MD, where I learned about the many deadly effects that earthquakes bring to people and communities. I have spent hours listening to the stories of professional rescue workers who had first hand experience with search and rescue operations at earthquakes in Mexico, Guatemala, and Fullerton, CA. Words are inadequate to describe the traumatizing that this kind of natural disaster brings to not only the victims of the tragedy but also those who serve as members of the rescue and recovery efforts. I hope that as a Prairie member, you will find the most enduring and compassionate way to respond to the relief efforts needed by the people of Haiti. As Prairie moves forward in the new year let us also continue to focus on our vision and reach toward our goals for the future. Shared ministry requires your feedback and continued monitoring. Voice your concerns to me, to your board members, to your staff, to each other. Pitch in. Be generous with your time and talent and treasure. You are your future. Glad
to be journeying with you, Rev. Ralph Page 7 UU Community News UU're
Home Bayside
Unitarian Universalist Family Camp LGBT
Welcoming Committee at FUS to sponsor Happy Dance!
Input Deadlines Deadlines
for Prairie Fire Bulletin and Prairie Fire - note change for
UU Society |